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Joseph E. "Joey" Meyer (Chicago, 2 aprile 1949) è un ex cestista e allenatore di pallacanestro statunitense.

Joey Meyer
Nazionalità  Stati Uniti
Ruolo Ala
Termine carriera 1971 - giocatore
2012 - allenatore
1967-1971DePaul B. Demons
Carriera da allenatore
1973-1984DePaul B. Demons(vice)
1984-1997DePaul B. Demons231-158
2000-2001Chicago Skyliners29-11
2001-2005Asheville Altitude104-96
2005-2008Tulsa 66ers71-77
2009-2012F.W. Mad Ants51-64
Il simbolo → indica un trasferimento in prestito.

È il figlio di Ray Meyer.


Dal 2012 al 2017 ha lavorato come scout per i Los Angeles Clippers.


Asheville Altitude: 2004, 2005

Collegamenti esterni

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[en] Joey Meyer (basketball)

Joseph E. Meyer (born April 2, 1949) is an American professional basketball coach and former men's college basketball coach. He was the head coach of the Fort Wayne Mad Ants, the Indiana Pacers' affiliate in the NBA Development League. He is currently the circuit's all-time victories leader.[1] He was previously the head basketball coach of the DePaul Blue Demons from 1984 to 1997.[2] He currently provides color commentary on radio broadcasts of Northwestern University Men's Basketball games on WGN-AM in Chicago.
- [it] Joey Meyer

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